A Tale of Two Lambs

I am finally posting on my long-neglected blog. Life has been wayyyy too busy! I am busy working at the paper, the holidays came and went during which time I was taking an InDesign class so I could learn to do layout for work, and at the same time, I was working with my illustrator, Jaime Brannon Haney, putting this book together.

It is our first children’s book, A Tale of Two Lambs. The book was timed to come out before Easter as it is created around the Easter story. You can order copies at https://www.createspace.com/4144683 or  pay through Paypal to my email address at kathy@katherinesands.com and I will ship it out! The book is $10.95 plus $3.00 tax and shipping when you order from me.

A Tale of Two Lambs